Remembering Atoy

Monday, December 21, 2009

JR, nollie 5-0

JR FS 50-50

BS smith

Lots of people have different stories, stories that can either be about the good things that they did and the great legacy that they left. With Atoy, you wont certainly run out of stories. And the stories that he wrote will not be erased from history, ever. His family, friends, and the whole skateboarding community will forever remember him as a good son, brother, best friend, friend, and as a tight-ass gnarly to the bone sick as hell ripper. And to those who has no clue on what bombs he left us, check his vid out. JR, you are sorely missed. RIP

Hera are some of the pictures from his burial....

And fast forward to Dubbed..

The day before the event was a good old sunny day with no hints of rain or what so ever. But, the next day was a bummer. It rained, it stopped, it rained again, and rained and rained....

dudes from Bacolod

Bombskwad Kalibo

while the rain poured away, some guys slept it out while others..

yep, guessed it right, heated game of finger skate battles, damn those nollie nosey impossibles

skate or dice?

gaybird moments....

after the rain, registration started. hell yeah everyone was psyched!

ISF shirts for sale

Josef with a.., um..., a, um.... WTF BAIL of the YEAR!!!

Dex, people power boardslide!!

Rockman burned the competition, FS 50-50

one of the judges, Christopher a.k.a. Bornok fakie B

Pac with a WTF BS feebs

Adrian Lopez with a FS 50, 5-0 out

Marlo, BS feebs

Rockman, BS krux

Adrian Lopez, BS krux

JM, lipster

Rockman, BS feebs

Erik, FS salad

Pac, BS 50

Dex, FS 5-0

Marlo, BS feebs

Rhino, BS feebs. yep, feebs is the new "in" trick

JM 270 lipslide, DAMN!!!

Adrian Lopez, FS smitthy

JM, krooked grind at 100 mph

JM, Melon grab

JM, again with a BS melly 180

dudes from the other side with Lario..

the skate comp continued after the sunset, all the boys was ripping hard

as the night went on, artists started to do their thing.... Thanks Kiko

cars, Mars cigars all of them ends in R.S.....

post-its on the wall...

garage porn stars

boards as long as Bobby's nose.. hahahaha

after feeding the creatures in the river, Long Nose settled for a nights rest...

thanks for the pics Pot, hehe. The photog along with some other dudes

batalyon pitbull...

boy uba

I would like to thank all the people who made this event possible and to all the skaters who came from other "lands" and to the people that went to the party. Thanks for making it a success. And before I end, the results of the skate competition was:

Class A: JM
Class B: Rockman
Class C: Pac


JapZie said...

best night ever... XD

pupper** said...

wew.. steppin it up big time :)

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